The Last Oracle by James Rollins

The Last Oracle by James Rollins

Yes, I am addicted to James Rollins’ work now. I blame Tracey. This is my third James Rollins book in a little over a month and I have three more waiting to be read.

The Last Oracle is just as great as the last two I reviewed  (The Judas Strain and The Doomsday Key). This time, Pierce and the others are following the last footsteps of a man named Dr. Polk, who died in Pierce’s arms, gunned down trying to reach Sigma. This man, who turns out to have been the brain behind starting Sigma, has found out the answer to a millennia-old mystery and the gang (comprised of Grey Pierce, Kowalski, and Elizabeth Polk, the dead scientist’s estranged daughter) has to figure out the mystery and put the pieces together before a group of Russians (I’m not giving anything away—you know this from the beginning) kill millions.

This was a GREAT read! I really enjoyed every part of it. I listened to it on audiobook, making the experience a little different than it would be reading it, but I think it’s a great book.

It was also an interesting read because this is the book that stands between The Judas Strain and The Doomsday Key. I have been reading them out of order, reading whatever book I can get my hands on. Reading this one now allowed me to fill in some questions I had about The Judas Strain, while allowing me to also giggle at foreshadowing that only someone who has already read The Doomsday Key could really understand.

If you’re looking for another action-packed mystery thriller combined with interesting facts from history, The Last Oracle is a great choice. I love it even more because it follows the story of one of my groups of people in history: the Oracle at Delphi.

I give The Last Oracle a 5/5.