Announcement: No link love tomorrow

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy

This week is the last week of classes. I'm all done with mine and now I have to really dig deeply into writing my term papers. Every semester, I say that I'll have the bulk of the work done before finals week, but every semester here I am, hopelessly anxious about papers and research and having to grade my students' work at the same time. 

Tomorrow, I am driving to Missouri where my Mom will get her Associate's degree on Saturday. Then, I'm driving back and writing like crazy. I'm totally overwhelmed and so I won't be creating a link love list this week. 

See you all on the other side of finals!