18 Before 2018


On the right is the rapid log where I brainstormed all the things I would like to get done this year before 2018. On the left are the 18 things that I decided on. Below are my notes on what these goals entail. 

1. Prospectus Defended: My draft is due to Dr. Ybarra by the 15th of September and she said she would like to see me defend it by the end of September. That's pretty quick, but I'm working hard to get it all done!

2. Open New Etsy Shop: Several friends have remarked on the fact that I should be selling my calligraphy work. I really want to set up a new shop with digitalized lettering pieces that people could either download or order prints of. 

3. Develop a Writing Schedule: I desperately need a daily writing schedule. I have so much work to do and what I really need is to buckle down and do it. I've made a weekly schedule with defined writing time, but I'm so bad about sticking to it. I'm hoping that by the end of 2018 I will have turned that from a goal into a habit. 

4. Read 200 Pages Daily: This seems like a lot, but in order to keep up with all my reading for teaching, research, and fun reading, I really need to be reading about 200 pages a day. I'm more than capable of it, especially now that I've finished all the seasons of Fresh off the Boat

5. Finish 2 Chapter Drafts: I'm not sure that this is going to happen, but I think I could do it if I work really hard. 

6. Update Personal Website: I'm almost done with this! Check out kaitlynwilly.com

7. Catalogue Books: I haven't gone through and checked my book catalogue since the breakup with the sociopath. I need to check and see what books I'm missing and enter in any that never got catalogued. 

8. Blog Each Week: Working on it! 

9. Finish Emergency Binder: I'm making a binder of all the emergency information my parents will need if anything happens to me. I'm doing this mainly because I realized that if I had died during that ordeal, they would have been left with no idea where my accounts were or anything like that. I think it's only responsible to have that information prepared for them. 

10. Update Teaching Portfolio: Because I'll be going on the market next year (*fingers crossed*), I need to get my teaching portfolio in order. Fortunately, the wise Dr. Ponce gave me a really good outline of all the information I'll need. 

11. Buy Two More Bookshelves: Because I'm sick of boxes of books taking up my closet space. 

12. Stamp Inventory: So I can see what stamps I have and possibly get rid of a few. 

13. Meal Planning: I want to start meeting with my nutritionist again as well and I think an important part of getting organized and being healthy is starting meal planning again. It's also going to save me money. 

14. Get Purse Fixed

15. Redo Strengths Finder

16. SAMLA/WLA: These are the conferences I'm going to this year. I want to actually make it happen. I hated cancelling on conferences last year. 

17. Return to Mass

18. Prep a Second Article For Publication: I really NEED publications!