Life Update III: Back to the Woods


A few weeks ago now, I was blessed with the opportunity to go home to my Woods.

If you’ve been following me since before the big breakup, you know that I am very close with a group of Roman Catholic Women’s Religious, also known as Sisters (not nuns! Look up the difference!): the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods, located just outside of Terre Haute, Indiana. I have discerned with them, become an associate in the Providence Associate relationship program, lived in their novitiate house for many weekends, led retreats to their motherhouse in hopes of bringing more people to the woods, and even spent my MA comps summer working at their White Violet Center for Eco Justice. When I lived in Indiana, I would make trips to the Woods fairly frequently, but even during my first three years in Texas I made it home 1-2x per year. My trips to the Woods, along with most of the things I treasured in my life, were impacted and temporarily put on pause after the breakup and breakdown and my life falling apart.

I promised myself in the midst of the worst part of my depression last year that this year I would get home to my sisters for our annual meeting no matter what. My sisters and their love and prayers were a huge part of my recovery. My love for them was a huge part of my staying alive. I knew that I needed to get home as soon as possible and I’m so grateful it actually happened. That I ended up spending this summer in Cincinnati—only three hours from my beloved woods instead of the 14 from Texas—was purely Providential. That this year we received enough donations for the PAs to offer a scholarship for associates to come home was also Providential and a huge blessing, as I could never have come home without it. Gary’s becoming a service dog sealed the deal because I knew with him, I could make it through if things became painful or triggering, given that my last two trips home were with her.

When I drove onto campus, I felt a combination of relief and anxiety, thinking about the fact that some of these people had seen the darkest part of my breakdown take place. Yet, as soon as I walked into La Fer hall and ran right into my friend, Mel, everything but joy emptied itself from my body. Pure, complete joy. I went through the check in process, greeted by my dear Peggy, and took my stuff up to my room after chatting with even more friends. It was in some ways like I had never left and in other ways like I had been gone for a millenia. It was strange to see my friends with more grey in their hair, and sad to note the absence of dear ones whose celebrations of life I had missed when so far away. But overall, I was hit over and over with waves of relief, contentment, and love. I was truly home.

Gary loved having so many aunts to love on him and so many woods to walk around! 

Gary loved having so many aunts to love on him and so many woods to walk around! 

Over the weekend, I got to spend time with people very dear to me, though not enough time to be sure. I ended up sleeping through almost every social event, my body suddenly so relaxed and my mind so at peace that I could sleep in a way I haven’t in a long, long time. I missed out on spending time with my closest, dearest sisters because they were busy and I was busy and sleeping and overwhelmed. But still, the peace at being in meetings and looking around and seeing so many people I love so much—it’s something I haven’t had in a long time. Lately in Denton I’ve been surrounded by so much toxicity that this space of love and generosity and non-violence was just so much sweeter than I even remembered. During my time there, I suddenly felt more myself, more alive, and more happy than I have since January 1, 2017. It was a pure gift.

It’s only been a few weeks since my weekend at the woods, but it already feels like a lifetime. There’s a lot of work to do here in Ohio and I’m behind—simply because there really was never enough time to begin with. I’m blessed with a compassionate community of support here—the wonderful doctor, my dear roommate, and several kind and loving patients and workers that I spend time with at the office. The work I’m doing here is complicated—there is the literal work I’m doing for Doc, then there is the physical work being done to my body both through treatments and my (often failing) own job of being active and eating clean. Then, there is the much harder work of my emotional-mental-spiritual-self work, including using new techniques for processing false beliefs. In addition, I’m working on growing my Etsy shop, in the process of starting my own LLC, taking classes to become a life coach, and researching for my dissertation. Life is full and complicated and the ongoing transition that my body and soul are experiencing causes some discomfort and anxiety. But I’m okay and I’m surrounded by love—both from the people here and my sisters and fellow associates at the Woods. For right now, that is more than enough.

Life Update Part II: What on earth am I doing in Ohio?

A unique view of my new home. Photo by Jake Blucker on Unsplash

A unique view of my new home. Photo by Jake Blucker on Unsplash

Most people following me on social media are aware that last fall, I made a pretty good friend: Minadora. So, Minadora is now a second year poetry PhD (shameless plug: please buy her book and support an amazing poet AND an amazing small press) whose beagle, Aki, has shown up in many of Gary’s Facebook and Instagram updates. She is a kind, generous, patient human who, like me, is a total homebody who simultaneously appreciates the presence of another human. So, to save money (both in terms of rent and in terms of gas spent driving between the two apartments), we decided to get an apartment together. I’m excited to have a roommate again and to have a much larger space. The constant presence of #akiwiththebeaglenose and his wonderful slobbery kisses is the icing on the cake.

So, a little while after we became friends, Minadora’s dad, who is a fascinating human everyone should know, came to visit for her birthday. We spent a lot of time together and, by some strange miracle, he decided that he liked me (and I him—he’s a very kind, fatherly, gentle human and his daughter is a lot like him). Over Christmas break when Minadora was home, she happened to mention to her dad that I am an (aspiring) professional organizer (among my many other pursuits) and he offered to have me come stay with him and work for him in exchange for housing and food and (because he is a very skilled doctor) medical treatment.

If this sounds like too good to be true, it’s really not. I mean it’s good, but also true.  I’m in Ohio living with Minadora and her dad (who I call Doc), cataloguing some collections and helping him organize in exchange for free housing, amazing food, gentle, fatherly affection, and medical treatment for my PCOS/PTSD/etc. Gary is obsessed with Doc and adores him. I am enjoying spending time with my friend, being away from Texas, and meeting her friends and family. Also, being in Ohio has put me much closer to the Woods (that’s the next update) and several Butler-era friends. In fact, I am writing this right now from the home of one of my close friends from Butler who asked me to watch her doggos while she and her mom are on a trip.

There is really no question about who is getting the best end of this working for Doc deal and it’s me. I hope that I’m able to do everything he needs because I’m so grateful for the help he’s giving me. I’m losing weight, my body and mind are more stable than they’ve been in a long time, and I’m working through a lot of the things I need to work through. I’m really blessed to be here.

A note: I’ve been extremely blessed in the last year or so to really find out who my friends are. Minadora is only one of them. I have an amazing group of humans who offer support and love. I’m so grateful.

Update Part I: A Quick Summary of Last Semester

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

So, it’s been a while since I’ve updated you all on my life. There are a lot of reasons for that, so here is my very brief and not-too-positive explanation of like late November through May:

Life update: Towards the end of the fall semester, I was called into the department office because a parent had complained about the number of classes I had cancelled. While it was absolutely ILLEGAL for my supervisors to even read an email from a student’s parent, I got chewed out, was told they weren’t getting their money’s worth out of me, etc. I reminded them that I have a serious chronic illness, for which I have ODA accommodation. I was told that our department did not accommodate disabilities other than pregnancy. For those of you who know anything at all about the ADA, you know that was a lawsuit waiting to happen. I then spent the next like four months dealing with HR and my chair and a constant feeling of doom hanging over me because I was afraid of being fired for something over which I have no control. The fact that almost every close friend and mentor I had was encouraging me to sue my department didn’t help my mindset at all.

To make matters worse, at the end of February, I started feeling like my medication wasn’t working. I was constantly exhausted, oversleeping, felt weak and achy. I went to my doctor asking for a med adjustment, but when I described my symptoms she got a funny look on her face and ran some blood tests. It turns out that sometimes those things are symptoms of actual disease and I had mononucleosis. Apparently there was a serious outbreak of mono on campus and it’s a lot more contagious than we were led to believe in high school (less “kissing disease” more “touched the same doorknob and now you’re dying” disease). Excellent. Just what I needed for my first semester teaching three classes instead of two.

Between teaching three different preps (Comp 2, Tech Comm, and Ethnic Lit (!)) and constantly feeling like I was dying, it was a rough time for sure. To add insult to injury I had the first ever student who I genuinely could not stand. You know me, I love my students. I’ve had difficult kiddos before who I’ve dealt with patiently, but this one just took the cake. Between him and the disability situation, I met with HR way more than any one person should have to in a semester—much less a person semi-dying of mono for four months. 

Research update: As a result of the general feel of the semester, when my prospectus defense was cancelled because a committee member refused to sign off on it, I sort of gave up for a while. In all honesty, I’m excited about the opportunity to do something else—I just don’t know what. And with all the awful that I was dealing with, I spent most of the semester contemplating dropping out at the end of it. I didn’t, and I’m glad I didn’t, but now here I am mid-summer still looking towards the fall with a mix of confusion and frustration. Sing to me, O Muse, of something I can write about!

So, that’s my very quick summary. I’ll write another soon and explain what’s going on now and where I am. Here’s a spoiler: I’m in Ohio.

#MeAndWhiteSupremacy Part I: Intro and Day 1

Check out Layla Saad’s #meandwhitesupremacy 28 Day Challenge

I heard about this challenge a few days into it from my friend, Sharyn Holmes. It took me a few minutes to find the original post explaining the challenge, but once I found it, I knew I needed to participate. It’s so important in today’s world to do this work. I can’t ignore it. I think I need to work through this and I imagine my colleagues do as well…

Read more

Link Love for a Rough Week: The Last Week in March and Holy Week

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Thoughts on this week:

Want to know why it's a rough week? Well, mostly because I'm still struggling with Mono and it's been a month. I'm exhausted and tired and achy and... you get the picture. Plus so behind on research, writing, and grading that I don't know what I'll do! 

What I’m Reading in real life: Honestly, as much as it shames an English professor, I'm not. Blogs, I guess? Books I'm preparing to teach? 

What I’m watching: I'm super addicted to vloggers right now, particularly Rowena Tsai and Kalyn Nicholson.

What I’m listening to: The Audiobook Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint by Nadia Bolz-Webber. I adore her and love her voice. If you're a Christian who isn't following her, you're missing out. 

What else I’m digging: 

  • Puppy Snuggles: Obvs. 
  • My Lavender Hair: Because I am a badass. 
  • Instacart and Uber Eats: Although it's been rough for my banking account, I would not have made it through Mono without being able to have groceries and food delivered. Once I get home, only Gary or Aki the Beagle will get me out of my apartment. 
  • Audiobooks on Audible: I finally broke down and signed up for Audible because I realized I was getting depressed from not reading book-length texts. I started with this amazing book, You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero--which I have since purchased for three of my bffs and will probably be giving it to more people soon.  


What I read this week:

My favorite post: Why a conservative from Texas up and joined a labor union... (The Fire Within): My dear friend, Steph, tells it like it is. And let me tell you, this girl is one of my heroes. When she speaks (or writes), everyone should listen. 

Runner up for favorite: Go Ahead, Millennials, Destroy Us (NYT): Reading this the first time, I almost cried. Thank you, Mr. Kreider, for seeing the power of this generation. 

By Category:

Religion and Spirituality:

  • Women of Color Only: A Lenten Practice (Sojourners): Honestly, I wish I had paid attention to this at the beginning of Lent. But I think this is wonderful and the list includes so many texts I already love. I'm going to be checking out those podcasts, though. 

Social Justice: 

  • Blacks Were Enslaved Well into the 1960s (Vice): While I wasn't necessarily surprised when my friend told me about this article, after reading it I was devestated. I think that everyone should be aware that this continued to happen in the U.S. so late into the 20th Century and, quite honestly, still happens today. 

  • Japan’s Prisons Are a Haven for Elderly Women (Bloomberg): On one side, I totally get this. I think that if I were an older, single woman, I would far prefer prison life to being along, probably dying in a one-room apartment only to be found when I didn't show up to class (this is legit my life fear). But on the other hand WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR SOCIETY THAT THE ELDERLY ARE THIS FUCKING LONELY?

Reading and Bibliophilia:


Life in General:


  • This Is How To “Work Smarter Not Harder”: 3 Secrets From Research (Barking Up the Wrong Tree): I have to admit that this article challenges me. I'm one of those people with like 10 different projects going at once and three side hustles in addition to a full time job and being a PhD student. So, of course when I read that I should "do less, then obsess" over what's left, I definitely thought "no way!" But the more I think about it, the more I realize that this author, and the many people he cites, are right. Focus is my word for 2018 and this article is definitely going to challenge me to follow through. 

  • The 6 Steps to Turning Setbacks Into Advantages (NYT): Working on it. 

Supporting Diversity and Representation: 

Art and Other Pretty Things:

Academia, Education, and Teaching: 

  • Mental Health Crisis for Grad Students (Inside Higher Ed): As a current grad student, mental health patient, and trauma survivor, I can tell you--this is real. Of the people who have come through my graduate program during my four years here, only one that I know of hasn't been on anti-depressants, anti-anx, or both--and he needed them. The rates of mental health and suicide among graduate students are too high and the support from departments are non-existent (I say as someone currently meeting with HR about abuses in my department). This needs to be fixed!

  •  Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be teachers (Andre Wheller): THIS IS SO TRUE. We need to prioritize educators--but this person forgets the more important and more abused contingent faculty at the University level. 

Environmentalism, Farming, Food, Health, and Nutrition:


Coffee Shop Check-In

Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

I can’t believe it’s February already. When I told my kids (and by that, I mean the college students I teach) that the year was 1/12th over, they all groaned. It’s like they don’t recognize the passing of time in the same way. They’re anxious already for Spring Break to come. I would prefer that it stayed away. There isn’t enough time in a day for all the work I need to do

My days are packed right now, with lesson prep, grading, reading, designing stickers (have you checked out my etsy shop yet), snuggling Gary, and spending time with friends. Research and writing are crammed into the moments that I can spare from my students and social circle. How on earth does a human finish a dissertation? I watched my friend, H, one of the best humans I know, finish hers somehow while also being an extraordinary professor, mother, wife, daughter, and friend. I have decided she must have some sort of superpowers or Hermoine-like ability to stop/turn back time. I can’t accomplish half of what she does and I don’t have a child, spouse, or family locally to take care of.

I spend most of my time at a local coffee shop here in Denton that is run by volunteers. It’s my perfect place: big tables, kind and friendly staff, and my money is going towards something that I can support (a home that helps men overcome addiction and get back on their feet). Gary and I have befriended other regulars who often come up to us and say hello, check in, and are generally good people. If my beloved Jupiter House ever reopens, it will take a while to readjust—the setting is so different. But both allow me to accomplish far more than I can at home or in my office. Here, there are no dishes to distract, no craft projects to tempt me. I am anonymous and can function without the anxiety that comes from being in an office filled with people whose primary way of coping with the anxieties of the PhD is to gossip about each other.

There are some difficulties in working here. I can be distracted by cute children, observing awkward first dates, and people who, upon realizing that I have a service dog, generally look and point and talk about how cute he is (they’re right, he is). But, overall, coffee shops are my new houses of productivity. Plus, they have coffee.

The new semester has presented new challenges, but also has allowed me to embrace new adventures. I’m teaching my first technical communication class, which has my class schedule even more full. I honestly don’t think that teaching three classes is any worse than teaching two, especially given the nature of the course. It’s a lot of learning new genres of writing and styles of teaching. I took it on because I needed money and sold it to others as a “good learning experience,” but honestly, it’s turned out to be just a lot of fun.

Teaching Ethnic Literature has been by far the most rewarding part of the semester. I am excited to go to class each Wednesday night and talk about things that matter to me with my kiddos. At the request of my last literature class, I have changed up my curriculum design so that the conversation is more guided by me and less by them. It’s more work, but I think they might be learning more. Plus, it’s so much fun thinking about what we can discuss in each of my favored texts.


Teaching comp is about the same as always. I have another good class of kids who could probably use a grammar class before comp to give them confidence and knowledge they missed out on in the test-driven education system, but instead I’m just going to have to help them gain that confidence myself. I’m one of the few people I know who genuinely loves teaching comp. It’s fun to talk about writing and help students gain confidence in their writing. The theme for this year is talking about writing through the lens of race and we are preparing for a visit from Paul Beatty, author of The Sellout, in March.

Anyways, I just thought it was about time for a life update. There is more to come this week, so come back and check in!

On New Years Goals, My Birthday, and the start of a year that I’m planning to rock!

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

2018 Goals

So, it’s January 16th. Yes, people, that means that we are halfway through the first month of 2018. Stressed yet?

I haven’t written yet about my 2018 goals, but I do want to share those with you. 2018 is going to be a big year for me and I’m planning to rock this year so well that it makes up for the absolute disaster that was 2017. Good riddance, year of awfulness.

So, 2018.

My word for 2018 is FOCUS. I want to focus on the things most important to me: my family and friends, research, teaching, self-care, and creativity.

My goals this year fall into three categories: Adventures I want to have, Projects I want to finish, and ongoing goals that I want to work on.

Photo by Matthew Sleeper on Unsplash



  • See family in Rolla
  • Attend SP meeting in June
  • Attend Go Wild 2018
  • Go to a museum
  • Go to zoo with H, M, and V
  • Go to one non-ALR reading
  • Volunteer 6 times



  • Interview dad
  • Read 10 nonfiction, non academic books this year
  • Etsy
  • Submit article for publication
  • Apply to a job
  • Finish a draft of my dissertation
  • Digitalize all my files
  • Declutter my apartment
  • Get rid of 300 things in 2018
  • Curate a capsule wardrobe
  • Supplement regimen
  • Stamp inventory
  • Books organized and database updated
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Ongoing goals:

  • Keep up with grading and teaching work
  • Find a spiritual community
  • Become a budgeting badass
  • Master the art of Meal prep
  • Re-immerse myself into the liturgical year
  • Year-long spending fast (oh, yes, I will write about this in another post)

In addition to these, I have a few daily, weekly, and monthly rituals I’m trying to turn into habits, most notably a Bible reading plan with my soul-sister, B.

Operation: Birthday Reclamation

Photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash

Photo by Luca Upper on Unsplash

Given that it’s January 16th, most people who know me know that it’s the day after my birthday. And this was an important one for me, given that it was one year ago on my birthday that someone I really trusted said something awful to me—the worst thing I could imagine and the worst she could probably have said at that time. So this year, I set out with a few good humans to reclaim my birthday.

First, I went to Starbucks with my friend, M. Then, my close friends and I celebrated by going to a favorite restaurant, walking around favorite shops, and sharing gluten free crepes at a new favorite place recommended by my dear friend and adopted brother, T. It might sound like such a simple thing, but for me it was a huge blessing. At one point during the meal, I looked around and saw the faces of my beloved friends and thought—these people care enough about me to sacrifice their last day off before the semester, drive 30 minutes, pay for an expensive meal, and walk around a stationery shop all just to celebrate my birthday. It’s humbling to be loved so much and I’m so grateful.

Genuinely the best friends I could ask for. So sad B. wasn't able to make it! (Photo by random lady at Daiso.)

Genuinely the best friends I could ask for. So sad B. wasn't able to make it! (Photo by random lady at Daiso.)

It is also a reminder to me that we can never know what God has in store for us. A year ago, I thought my life would never get better, that I would never heal or be able to trust again. A year ago, I did not even know three of those friends. All three of them were brought into my life during 2017—and our friendships cemented largely because of Gary. And the rest--even though I knew them—have become so much more important to me in the last year. It’s been a long, hard road and there were many times that I wasn’t sure I would make it (and neither were they), but I’ve finally hit a stride where I feel strong and healthy and—dare I say it?—happy. There are still many struggles ahead and I still have rough days, but I just keep thinking about that saying—it’s a bad day, not a bad life.

2018 will be my year

Photo by Garrhet Sampson on Unsplash

This is what I keep saying. When my friends and I are stressed, I repeat it over and over. 2018 will be our year. I’ve seen that celebrities have claimed it will be the year of women. I’m not sure about that, but I fully believe that something is going to change for the better for me and for my close friends. And it’s going to change because we’re going to work hard.

As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve become a lot more into planning and the planner community. In case you didn’t know, I even founded the Denton Planner Girls group on facebook! We have regular meet ups and it’s so much fun. I’m really getting back into my creative side and I’m finding bullet journaling to be particularly therapeutic. I definitely think that getting into planning has made me more confident—and for good reason! When I’m constantly seeing words like “Hustle,” “Boss Babe,” and “Goal Digger,” it’s hard not to start thinking in those terms. This led me to invite M. to join me in the Wild Sisterhood—my first year back since I came to Denton. I have a lot of plans for this year beyond me goals above, including starting my own business, and I think that becoming a Wild Sister will help me with those goals. You’ll hear more about that in the future. But for now, just know—2018 is going to be my year. I hope it’s yours, too. 


And, in case you missed it on my social media:

Photo by Heidi Cephus. 

Photo by Heidi Cephus. 

Link Love for 24 January 2018

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Thoughts on this week:

What I’m Reading in real life: This week, I was super excited to reread, yet again, Anzaldua's Borderlands to prepare to teach it to my lit class. Such a great read and I really feel like she's writing just to my soul. 

What I’m watching: Still re-watching Full House

What I’m listening to: Music by my friend, M.'s brother's band, The Tillers

What else I’m digging: Zera Coffee, my temporary home while Jupiter House is being fixed up


My Writing

This week: 30 by 30: Looking Towards the Future: My list of things to do before I turn 30. 


What I read this week:

This week's topic: The Morning Routine: My friend, Mina, and I are working on setting morning and evening routines that allow us to be more productive without falling into the pit of social media. Here is some of my research on the topic:


Reading and Bibliophilia:

  • Middle Grade Review: Erasable (Texas Girl Reads): This book looks great! I love YA novels. Sort of like the next generation of A Wonderful Life, no? 



Life in General:

Tough and Awkward Topics: 

Academia, Education, and Teaching: 

  • Disorientations: On Disability in Graduate School (Medical and Health Humanities): This is a great article that touches on a topic close to my heart. "Part of learning to write my dissertation was also learning to navigate disorientation and its unexpected contours of pain linked directly to the act of scholarly labor itself. Disability’s (ar)rhythms often clash with the academy’s relentless temporality that frequently makes costly demands upon my physical and affective resources." I definitely relate. 

  • 18 Awesome Higher Ed Social Media You Should be Following (Workzone): I can't help but notice that none of my schools are listed, but it's great that these institutions have figured out social media!

Simplicity and Minimalism:

  • Casita Vibes (Very That): The artist behind one of my favorite etsy shops reflects here on paring down to the basics and cleaning 40 years of belongings out her family home. Simple reflection, but beautiful. 

Environmentalism, Farming, Food, Health, and Nutrition:


  • Are Dogs Self-Aware? (Daily Treat): Okay, so I don't care what science says--Gary is self-aware and super smart and amazing. Disagree and I will fight you. 

30 by 30: Looking towards the future

IMG_7325 2.jpg

So, as you might know, I turned 29 last week. I made a pretty big deal of this birthday because, honestly, it was a big deal. But I’m also thinking about the fact that I’m one year away from 30 and I’m not really where I wanted to be by that landmark year.

So, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what kind of life I want to have and what kind of person I want to be when I hit 30 and I’ve set some goals to get me there.

IMG_7327 2.jpg

1.     Read the Bible all the way through: I mentioned before that I’m doing a bible reading with my friend, B. I’ve really lost a lot of my relationship with God this past year since I stopped going to Incarnation. So, I’m doing this bible reading to bring me back into the faith I love and grow a deeper relationship with God as well as growing closer to my best friend. The reading plan we’re using is from Bibles and Coffee by Jackie Rau, whose stunning Bible art is enough to make me almost consider buying another Bible/owning more than my main Bible. Almost.

2.     Read all of Anzaldua’s Published Works: Okay, yes, this is kind of cheating given that my dissertation is on Gloria Anzaldua, but I also just want to read her because she’s so inspirational and challenging and such a bad ass Xicana that I want to be just like her.

3.     Visit the Anzaldua Archives: Given that the archives are in Austin, Texas, there’s just no reason not to go while I’m still living so close.


4.     Walk 1,000 miles: I used to walk 3-5 miles per day, then I had the bronchitis that would never end. Then, when I adopted G., we used to do 1-3 miles each morning. I’ve definitely gotten out of the practice and want to get back into it because it makes me feel happier, more awake, and makes my body stronger.

5.     Lose 30 lbs/ go down 2 sizes: So, this is like the most American goal ever, right? I have it worded this way because my friend, M., told me I should focus on size instead of weight because muscles weigh more than fat. But honestly, the real goal is to feel stronger and healthier. The last year of depression eating has taken a toll. While I’ve lost weight rather than gained it since all this started, it’s mostly been from being tired/depressed/unable to get out of bed and, therefore, unable to eat—and I feel weaker because of it, even if my clothes are more loose. I need to feel comfortable in my skin again.

6.     Get a tattoo: I’m still working out what I want, but this is the year. I’m one year from 30. I no longer believe the people who said I’d regret it.

7.     Dye my hair lavender: Because I can and I’m one year from the job market. So, last chance for a while.

8.     Learn how to do makeup: Because even though I’m a low-maintenance feminist, I’m also a freaking adult.


9.     Capsule wardrobe with a style that suits me: I’m almost 30. I still have clothing items from high school and college. I really want to find a style that makes me feel myself without being unprofessional. Also, I’m currently living in running leggings and maybe I need to find something else so that I’m no longer wearing athletic wear 100% of the time I’m not teaching. But most of all, I have more clothes than any three people could possibly need and most of them don't make me comfortable. 

10.  Create and stick to morning and evening rituals: I seem to never have time to do the things that actually make me happy, like reading, writing, snuggling Gary, meditating, and creating art. I should be doing these things every day. I’m working on a new daily ritual. I’ll tell you when I figure it out.


11.  Do forgiveness on the people who harmed me: My friend, M., has taught me this method of forgiveness that is really helpful in moving past wounds. I want to do this not only because forgiveness is part of a non-violent and Christ-centered life, but because those people do not deserve to maintain power over me. My anger keeps me connected to them. Let’s sever that connection.

12.  Go through stuff in storage: When I look around my apartment, I am horrified by the amount of stuff I’ve accumulated. When I think about my grandmother’s garage in Missouri, it’s enough to give me nightmares. I can guarantee, if I haven’t seen it in that long, I probably don’t need it. Except the books, but even those are going to be pared down.

13.  Get rid of 300 things: But really, though, if I go through storage, it should be like 3,000.


14.  Find someone to finish my t-shirt quilt and get it done: I’m all about letting go of past projects or finding someone else to do them. This is one thing I don’t want to feel guilty about.

15.  Digitalize and recycle most of my files: Because I have two filing cabinets full that I don’t want to have to move all over the country.


16.  Master budgeting: I’m working on this one hard core and meeting with a financial advisor for help. I want to get control over my debt in a big way.

17.  Interview my dad: I have a long list of questions I’ve been wanting to ask and get recorded. I really need to do this.

18.  Get published: I really want to get something published in an academic journal—especially because my chapter is still on hold while the collection editor is dealing with health issues.


19.  Finish a draft of my dissertation: It might sound insane, but I really think I could have drafts or rough outlines of everything by next January. It would be so good to have this off my shoulders.

20.  Start my own business: More info to come!

21.  Learn how to build my own brand: see above. :)

22.  Master SEO

23.  Increase my blog readership to 500

24.  Make 100 sales on Etsy


25.  Take a trip somewhere fun: I haven’t done this in a long time. It would be nice to go somewhere not for family or a conference.

26.  Do 5 things on my DFW bucket list: I’ve lived in the DFW area for 7 of the last ten years. Why have I still not seen these things?


27.  Visit a TX winery: See above. Also, wine.

28.  Take a cooking class: I’m not a bad cook, but there are things I’d like to learn to do.


29.  Work with G. until he is really well trained and passes the tests: Just because he’s an official service dog doesn’t mean the training should end. I’ve been really lazy with it lately and it’s starting to affect relationships with others, not to mention our relationship. He deserves better guidance.

30.  Enter a calligraphy project into a show: This will, of course, require me to start doing calligraphy again. I deserve to enjoy my hobbies and creating art brings me joy.

So, that’s my list. I think that 29 is going to be the best year yet and I fully intend to get all this done. I deserve a better life and I want to be a better person for the people (and dog) that I love. So, let’s do this thing.


P.S. If you're interested in other goals I have, check out my bucket lists

The first Link Love of 2018!

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Thoughts on this week:

What I’m Reading in real life: Right now, I'm researching for chapter 3 and reading for my classes that I'm teaching. 

What I’m watching: Full House and Fuller House

What I’m listening to: The Planner Girl Chatter podcast

What else I’m digging: Being back in school


My Writing

This week: On New Year's Goal, My Birthday, and the start of a year I'm planning to rock! (BTWM)

What I read this week:

My favorite read from the last few weeks: Saying 'yes' to a priceless 'nun cut' (Global Sisters Report): I love this reflection from my sister, Tracey. 

Movies and TV:

  • In Praise of Paris Geller and Her Anger (Slate): The older I get, the more I love Paris Geller. "The emotion Paris tends to express most often—disappointment—might seem like humility, but it's actually a side effect of her ambition, something than stems from a real desire for the world to be better than it is. Or, in Paris’ case, for yourself to be better than you are. Her primary goal in life, after all, is to “be able to read an in-depth biography about herself and not be disappointed.”  What a goal. Let's all be like Paris. #noregrets

Life in General:

Goals: Given that we're at the start of a new year, I thought I'd do a whole section on goals. 

Tough and Awkward Topics: 

Art and Other Pretty Things:

Academia, Education, and Teaching: 

  • PhD Talk for AcademicTransfer: How to select which conference to attend (PhD Talk): This is helpful for new academics trying to figure out what conferences to attend. 

  • 5 Principles of Outstanding Classroom Management (Edutopia): Some good reminders here.

  • The gift of record-keeping: A tool for future promotion (The Research Whisperer): While I have tried to keep track of my achievements, this article is definitely a wake up call! And the included excel spreadsheet is fantastic!

  • 3 Assumptions Teachers Should Avoid (Edutopia): I struggle with this because often my students aren't able to do things I assume they should be able to do. I like the term "commiting assumicide." Once my students know that I am disappointed in them, they lose interest. But of course the opposite problem is when I have to stop and explain but the others get restless. This is one of the greatest challenges of teaching such a diverse population. 

  • How successful academics write (The Thesis Whisperer): This article talks about a new book by Helen Sword, author of Stylish Academic Writing. Although I wasn't crazy about that text when I first read it, I've come to appreciate Sword and was interested to learn about her new book. I'm planning on picking up a copy soon, but in the meantime, I took the included quiz. I'm a "Hang Glider." According to the quiz, "Your skill level is high, and you often engage in fruitful conversations with other writers; however, you struggle to write as productively as you would like to, and you get little joy from writing." While I'm not sure that I get little joy from writing, I definitely think that I struggle with productivity. Maybe the book will help!

  • Dear Scholars, Delete Your Account At Academia.Edu (Forbes): A good thing to consider. 


  • 23 Dogs Making ‘Sweater Weather’ the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (The Dogington Post): I'm not sure about you, but I have come to adore dogs in sweaters. Gary has two that I love and his bestie, Aki, is the most adorable beagle in a sweater I have ever seen. In case you don't have your own doggo in sweaters or if you just can't get enough, check out these good boys. What about your doggos? Do they like sweaters?  

Link Love 11/10/17

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Every week, I curate a list of the best links and articles to make you think and keep you informed. Enjoy!

Thoughts on this week: This week was basically a shit show. My illness has gotten worse recently and I'm really struggling with humaning right now. But at least I have time to read? 

What I’m Reading in real life: High Aztech by Ernest Hogan

What I’m watching: Frasier, because my friend Mina got me into it and it's sooooo good. 

What I’m listening to: Gary's snores

What else I’m digging: Sleep, mostly, and also the variety of apps that bring food to me already prepared

My Writing

Three years ago: There is no room for ego in Love (Spiritual Uprising)

What I read this week: 

Popery (Catholicism/Spirituality/Religion):

  • Redeeming the Unwanted Single Life (Ethika Politika): As a single Catholic, I definitely relate to what the author terms as the seven sorrows of the unwanted single life. It's a misery to be surrounded by Catholic friends with their perfect spouses and ten children knowing that my friends are secretly whispering about what's wrong with me and how I'm not a real woman, just as I hear them whisper about other single women. I'm not sure, however, that the author succeeds in his goal of redeeming this experience. 

  • Smoke Taint: Lessons in Providence (Conversations in the Vineyard): I love this: "It is during times of chaos we have an opportunity to grow in (at least) two ways.  We learn to rest in Providence and we grow in hope.  Resting in Providence simply means we accept the situation while we grieve any losses because we believe God’s benevolence and wise care undergirds all of life, even the hard stuff.  If we allow it, chaos can also activate a seed of hope in us that works towards a new, and potentially, more beautiful normal." I am working on leaning into Providence. 

Pens (Pencils, Stationery, Handwriting):  

Paperbacks (Reading, Books, and Writing):

Movies and TV:

  • Getting Frizzled (Monsters and Molecules): I adore Miss Frizzle. I'm working on getting a Frizzled wardrobe (thanks to cowcow on Amazon). I can't wait to watch the new series!

Life in General:

  • The New Mid Life Crisis (Oprah's Blog): I have to admit that although I'm a "generation" behind these women, this sounds all too familiar and similar to the experiences of my peers. I'm pretty sure that the number of women in my age group that I know of who aren't on or were previously on anti-depressants could be counted on one hand. It's not a mid-life crisis--for us, it's just life. And it doesn't seem to be changing. This particular paragraph really hits me: "Nearly 60 percent of Gen Xers describe themselves as stressed out. A 2009 analysis of General Social Survey data showed that women's happiness "declined both absolutely and relative to men" from the early '70s to the mid-2000s. More than one in five women are on antidepressants. An awful lot of middle-aged women are furious and overwhelmed. What we don't talk about enough is how the deck is stacked against them feeling any other way." Truly, I think the deck is stacked against all of us. How do we fix that? 
  • My Life as an Unhappy Overachiever (Thrive Global): This article also sounds familiar. I think that about half of the students I encounter in my classes probably will experience the same when they end up in the careers they dream of entering. I particularly appreciated this: "I know now that I was caught in a cycle of achievement, of working hard for someone else’s dreams or expectations, and not my own. It was only when I accepted that I needed a quieter life, needed to reframe success on my own terms, and figure out the tool kit I needed to get there, that I could find joy at work. Becoming “less successful” set me free." Mother Theresa talked about how we should seek to be faithful instead of successful. I wonder how that would look for this young woman. 

  • People Are Loving This New Word To Rival The ‘Mansplaining’ Phenomenon (Huffpost): I'm not going to lie, hepeated is a word that every woman I know needs to internalize--especially in academia.

  • Girls, Don’t Become Boy Scouts (NY Times): I might be a little behind in posting this, but good points made here.  

  • What I Don’t Tell My Students About ‘The Husband Stitch’ (Electric Lit): This is an important article on many levels, not least of all the fact that when a woman tells you she smells something dangerous, you should listen to her. 

  • How I Learned Not To Confuse Occasionally Feeling Sad With Failure (The Financial Diet): I think that this article is super important--especially with where I am in my life right now. I like this line: "The problem is not associating happiness with success. The problem is doing it so emphatically that we are then assuming sadness is equal to failure. And it is not." I think it also goes deeper than this. It's easy for me to think that because my mental illness is keeping me behind in my work that I'm a complete failure. But I'm not. I'm living with a severe illness. Even being alive is a success. 

Relationships and Community

Tough and Awkward Topics: 

To Make You Smile:

Academia, Education, and Teaching: 

  • The ideal PhD researcher has no baggage (London School of Economics): I think the fact that the university (and often tenured professors) see PhD candidates in this light is sort of a "no shit" article, but the complexity of PhD life is represented as well. I'm blessed with a director who acknowledges my humanity, but I see this from other faculty in my department every day. 

  • Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars (The Guardian): Guys, this is real life. WE NEED TO FIX THIS. 

  • Universities are broke. So let’s cut the pointless admin and get back to teaching (The Guardian): Seriously. Too many admins. I mean, if they could fucking communicate and do their job it would be one thing, but given that interdepartmental communication is still a shit show, I think that the admins (the well paid ones with titles like Vice Dean of Whateverthehell) need to be let go and that money needs to go to the professors above. 

  • The Lowdown on Longhand (Edutopia): I love this article and I hope to integrate more longhand writing into my classroom. I particularly love this paragraph: "When students take notes with their laptops, they tend to mindlessly transcribe the data word for word, like speech-to-text software. But verbatim transcription is not the point of taking notes. What’s lacking in their note-taking-by-laptop is the synthesis, the reframing, and the understanding of the information. Students who transcribe with laptops form shallow connections to what’s being presented to them, while those who take notes by hand process the information and represent it in a way that makes sense to them. They’re learning." Such important information. 

  • Unicorns Were Real, But They Were Also Pretty Scary (Ranker): OMG. 


How I Keep My Bullet Journal

So, I’ve been promising to write a blog about bullet journaling for months now and since I made that promise, my bullet journaling style has changed like three times—which is really the point of bullet journaling. I feel like there are so many resources out there that my limited writing time seems silly to spend on it, so instead of an overview of bullet journaling, I want to share my method for organizing my bullet journal...

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Research and PhD Progress Update

Photo by Mikayla Mallek on Unsplash

So, I’m not sure I even mentioned this on the blog, but I passed my qualifying exams back in August, so I am now officially a PhD Candidate in the English Department. I’m still in the process of writing my prospectus, although later this week I am scheduled to attend the Dissertation Bootcamp, where I plan on completing my draft. I’m a little behind, which is stressful because I have three papers I have to write this month—my prospectus (20ish pages), my paper for WLA, and my paper for SAMLA.

I know a lot of people (mostly my family) are asking when the heck I’ll be done with this degree. Please keep in mind that this is a FIVE-YEAR PROGRAM. No, I’m not graduating yet. I’m right on time for a fourth year. I still have this and another academic year to write my dissertation and I plan on moving as fast as I can, although my health seems to be getting in the way.

So, other than DBC this week, what am I up to? Here’s a sample:

  • I’m still working on my “elevator speech” (2 minute spiel covering what my dissertation is about and what it will accomplish), but I’m excited and working through my argument. As a preview for the future post when I will give my elevator speech, I’m talking about post-oppositionality, Chicana feminism, and mujerista theology. Exciting stuff.
  • My paper for the Western Lit Association conference is titled “Responding to the Revolutionary Urge: Las Hermanas and Claiming Hispanic Women’s Liberation Theology as a part of U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage” and will be part of a panel on recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage with my dissertation director, Dr. Priscilla Ybarra, and her friend, Dr. José Aranda. I’m excited and nervous and mostly stressed. But, it will be my first time at WLA and I’m sure it will be great.
  • I have attended SAMLA (South Atlantic MLA) twice before, but this will be my first time chairing a panel. I’m working with Dr. Kelly Walter Carney on the ASLE panels at SAMLA, which I’m excited about. Having been to SAMLA before, it’s a lot less stressful. Plus, I won’t be presenting in front of my director, so that’s a bonus right there.
  • I’m also still teaching two courses in the English Department, an American Lit course and a Comp II course. My students are great and they keep me busy for sure!

I’ll keep ya’ll up to date as I continue to progress through the PhD.