Link Love Friday- Christmas Edition

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Merry Christmas! For those of you taking a break from the stress of holidays and family by escaping to the web (or those of you reading this after Christmas), here are some great articles that can help you reflect. This is a day late, but worth the wait. 


Simplicity/ Minimalism





  • Horsepower vs. Horse Power: Which Wins? (Modern Farmer) This is a fascinating article about how a lot of sustainable farmers are moving back to relying on teams of horses. I've been interested in this for a while. "Leslie believes farming with draft animals can create a “truly regenerative agriculture” that can help humans reclaim their place in the fabric of life. “Those who farm this way are engaged in relationship. At its best, this relational quality can further enhance the qualities that have made us most human; qualities such as trust, loyalty, and empathy. A relationship with a horse, even a practical working relationship, can change your way of seeing and relating to the world,” he says."
  • Is Eating Lettuce Really Worse For The Environment Than Eating Bacon? (Modern Farmer) This is an interesting article about a new study from Carnegie Mellon. 

Current Pen Carry 10/30

Every couple weeks, I get to completely renew my pen carry. The main reason for this is that I simply write sooooooooo much. I go through ink and notebooks like nobody's business (which is a good thing because, as my next post will tell you when I finish it, I've got too many notebooks and a new addiction!).

Anyways, I thought I'd share my current carry.

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Stop and Smell the Roses

I have been a member of Goulet Pens’ Ink Drop since September 2014. My monthly ink samples have become a part of my life that reminds me to take time to enjoy something beautiful—an important reminder in the midst of the busy semester or even in the midst of my researching and writing during the summer. I have found a rhythm with my ink sampling to the extent that it has become vaguely ritualistic...

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I want Stan Lee to be My Adopted Grandpa and other musings on Dallas Comic Con 2015

This weekend I had quite the experience. It was a reluctant adventure, but I’m really glad I went.

It started out like this:

Sometime earlier in the Spring Semester, my friend Claire came up to me and said, “Billie Piper is coming to Dallas for Comic Con. We have to go.” Naturally, my first reaction was something like, “There’s a Comic Con in Dallas?” quickly followed by “OHMYGODBILLIEPIPERI’MGOINGTO DIE.” Yeah, something like that.

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I Unite with All my Sisters and all Who Share the Charism of Providence...

I can hardly believe that it is March. Today we saw the sun for the first time in weeks. I find myself getting everything ready for my Spring Break trip home, my first Spring Break not spent on Mission since that fateful Spring Break where I got the call from Echo, offering me a full ride to Notre Dame...

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Organizing, Paring Down, and a Try for Simplicity

If you read my article in Spiritual Uprising Magazine this month, then you already know that my word for the year is “simplicity.” It’s not just my word for the year, but one of my cornerstones that I’ve had for some time and something that I think about a lot. For me, one part of living in simplicity is being organized and living with less....

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